This website portfolio showcases a diverse array of visualizations crafted to illustrate intricate patterns in (predominantly) time-use data. The graphics illuminate topics like the gender division in housework, activity preferences throughout the day, and regional distributions, all while leveraging advanced visualization techniques such as chord diagrams, dynamic maps, and moving paths.
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About Kamila
Assistant Professor at Western University, Canada
Dr. Kamila Kolpashnikova is an Assistant Professor at Western University with a Ph.D. in Sociology from UBC (2017). Her primary research interests are time use among older adults, gendered division of housework, and North American and East Asian societies. In 2023, Dr. Kolpashnikova was awarded the SSHRC Insight Grant for her work on the division of unpaid work among retired older adults. She is a former recipient of the VISTA Fellowship at York University, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship at the University of Oxford (2019-2022), the Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship (2006-2011), and the Taiwan Government Fellowship (2018).
Research Interests:
- Time-use research and visualizations
- Gender inequality in unpaid work
- Fear of falling in aging societies
SSHRC Insight Grants
Past Grants and Awards
R packages