Project information

  • Category: Web visualization & R package
  • Software: JavaScript | JavaScript + R
  • Project URL: GitHub R Package

Total Time Spent on Activities Visualization


This visualization provides a comprehensive view of the total time spent on various activities, presented as a percentage of the total time. With a wave design and color coding, users can quickly gauge the distribution of time across different activities in the sample.

Visualization Insights:

The graphical representation emphasizes the proportion of time spent on each activity, with the wave's height and associated text color varying based on the data. By leveraging the provided color codes, users can effortlessly differentiate between activities and their respective time distributions.


The visualization serves as an insightful tool for individuals, organizations, or researchers aiming to analyze and understand time allocation across various activities. Be it personal productivity, workplace efficiency, or research data, the visualization provides clarity in time distribution.

Technological Stack:

Framework: Custom function utilizing JavaScript libraries. Data Format: JSON.