Project information

  • Category: Web visualization & R package
  • Software: JavaScript | JavaScript + R
  • Project URL: GitHub R Package

Tempogram of Daily Activities


This visualization is a dynamic representation called a "tempogram", constructed using the NVD3 JavaScript library. It showcases the distribution and density of various activities throughout a day, from the early hours of the morning to the same time on the subsequent day.

Data Input:

The visualization ingests a JSON file which contains structured data comprising two primary elements: 'keys' and 'values'. 'Keys' signify distinct activities such as "Sleep", "Housework", "Paid Work", etc. For each activity, there's a corresponding 'value'. Each value is a tuple with a timestamp (measured in minutes from midnight) and a number of observations at the respective timestamp.

Visualization Features:

The tempogram plots each activity on the vertical axis and the corresponding timestamps on the horizontal axis. The density or thickness of the line represents the number of observations, allowing viewers to discern peaks of specific activities and understand patterns over time.


Such a visualization is invaluable in understanding time-bound patterns for different activities. It can be used in various domains, from personal productivity analysis to industrial efficiency studies.

Interactive Features:

Users can hover over specific points or sections of the tempogram to get detailed information about the number of observations at a particular timestamp. Additionally, they can potentially toggle between different activities to view individual patterns or overlay multiple activities for comparative analysis.

Technological Stack:

Framework: NVD3 JavaScript library. Data Format: JSON.